الله أكبر….الله أكبر الله أكبر والله الحمد Millions of people, from various ethnic, tribal, and nations throughout the world, proclaimed Takbir, tasbih, tahmid, and tahlil, as a reflection of the attitude of gratitude and our servitude to Allah SWT. Thousands of pilgrims pray Eid Fitr 1433 H. Coincide on August 19, 2012. On Integrated Campus UNIMUS Semarang Central Java Indonesia. Today Muslims all over the world are celebrating Eid al-Fitr
The implementation of Fitri this years Eid prayer, attended by thousands of enthusiastic pilgrims Muslims, citizens and citizens of Civitas Academic UNIMUS Semarang and surrounding areas. As Eid-Fitr is a form of expression of gratitude to Allah SWT for a big victory that we get after running fast during the whole month of Ramadan. The words of Allah SWT:
وَلِتُكْمِلُوااْلعِدَّةَ وَلِتُكَبِّرُاللهَ عَلَى مَا هَدَاكُمْ ولَعَلَّكُمْ تَشْكُرُوْنَ

And be ye replenish numbers, and you shall glorify of ALLAH for guidance given to you, that ye may be grateful.
Independence (إستقلال) that Allah SWT give to the nation of Indonesia, is the Mercy, and grace that are invaluable. Momentum Eid Fitr is to return to Fitrah Insani, Responsive and the practice of Islamic values in the life of nation and state.
That meaning is contained in the IED FITRI Gratitude is the totality that is:
First, thanks to the careful or by (heart). That is to remember and reflect on God’s blessings, and realize that these favors to him as God’s outpouring of affection towards him. Is not simply because of the strength and his efforts themselves
Secondly, thanks by verbal. Ie with praising and flattering pleasurethe donor, at least by saying Alhamdulillah, that means render thanks to Allah for this gift, and did not attribute the gift to other than Allah.
Third, thanks by the whole bodies. Which uses the favors that the best possible way according to the will of Allah, and directed solely to achieve the pleasure of Allah SWT. Thus, people who are grateful are those whose hearts are filled by mahabatullah, namely the love of God (the good-pleasure). Busy by his verbal praise, and recognition of the gift, and his limbs are busy with activities of obedience to God
Ramadan is a month full of special and a blessing for the Muslims. important events that occurred in the month of Ramadan. Here are some events that happened in this glorious:
1. Muhammad is The Messenger of Allah received the first revelation.
2. Qur’an was revealed in Ramadan.
3. Battle of Badr. This is the first battle of the war made the Muslims after they emigrated to Madina against the Quraysh of Mecca. The battle ended with the victory of the 313-strong Muslim men against about 1000 people of Mecca. This war occurred on Friday, 27th of Ramadan
4. Fathu Makkah or the liberation of Makkah, held in the month of Ramadan. Fathu Makkah is a major event. Allah said, “Verily We have granted thee a manifest victory”. (Surat al-Fath [48]: 1
5.Battle of Tabuk occurred in the month of Ramadan.
6. Independence of the Republic of Indonesia to 67
Thus, The month of Ramadan is as training and the establishment of an Islamic character, not as a character Romadoni, the character and attitude that only appears during Ramadan. Advice from Allah : QS. Ali Imran Verse 79
Month of Eid al-Fitr, and Ramadan is a form of servitude to the Allah. thus with the passage of The month of Ramadan, the Islamic spiritual values continue to imprint, and can be applied in everyday life, thus the realization of Rabbani generation.

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